
The Man Who Could Eat Fire

the ballad of Mark

it all began with a Match who thought he could eat the fires of hell
but it turned out he couldn't handle spicy food very well
after a single bite he turned his his tail and fled
that's when the adversary reared his ugly head
(it was jonathan cordero)
but then when all seemed lost a man, a hero appeared
whose teeth were made sharpest steel whose tongue could not be seared

his name was Mark
Mark Rha
the man who could eat fire

Our hero accepted the challenge undaunted by Match's folly
The villain named Jon took a look at our hero and laughed with glee
Jon sent his servant Jody to fetch the hot wings from the kitchen of hell
And Mark stared stoically as they brought him the wings which numbered twelve
We were all astonished, he seemed unaffected after eating three
we worried after he ate the sixth because he could no longer see
And after the 9th sweat, snot, and saliva covered his face,
but he would not let the pain force him to bow out in disgrace

And after the 12th we thought he would vomit or faint into his plate
But he didn't his name was

Mark Mark Rha
Mark Rha
the man who could eat fire